Our History

History in Saint-Laurent-de-la-Plaine

It was in 1760 that the Perrault family settled in Saint-Laurent-de-la-Plaine near Angers in Maine-et-Loire, thus developing woodworking and its history. Subsequently, this passion was passed on and gradually extended to ironwork, which complements wood in many projects. Furthermore, in the years that followed, the family focused primarily on the restoration of historical monuments. Consequently, the company has become one of the most respected French references in the restoration of built heritage, thanks to its numerous projects.

Our heritage

Indeed, built heritage, in France and worldwide, relies on the excellence of our craftsmen. Moreover, it depends on the mastery of our skills and the legacy of the past. However, this heritage is not merely retrospective; rather, it is geared towards the future. Consequently, we are always creating innovative and exceptional works. Thus, in every building, for every client, every time, we strive for excellence.

They can be found all over the world, wherever a ‘special’ project arises and their exceptional expertise is needed. We are present on all Historic Monuments in France and overseas. Can meet us in Paris and many cities in France, at the bedside of sumptuous residences seeking a new lease on life. Even in Patagonia, in the middle of Antarctica!

Firmly rooted in the Angevin soil since 1760, the Perrault Workshops continue to undertake, create, restore, and transmit.

Our team today...

Our history in numbers

263 years of history

17,000 square meters of buildings

170 collaborators
40 carpenters
60 joiners
10 painters
60 individuals in project management, procurement, engineering offices, IT, human ressources, accounting...

3 main activities
joinery - cabinetmaking

Our workshops - showroom